

318 Meadow Brook Rd.
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-4455
[email protected]


318 Meadow Brook Rd.
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-4455
[email protected]

孩子们戴着奖牌和教练的合影, 所有人都举起食指,就像拿着数字1一样

Additional Initiatives


In December 2018, 十大菠菜台子和庞蒂亚克市, 通过欧州大学-庞蒂亚克倡议, 选出首批14位影响力赞助奖得主.

The OU-Pontiac Initiative 社区影响赞助奖s provide funding in various amounts to groups requesting support for projects that will make a positive impact in the community. Top scoring grants demonstrated in-kind/matching funds to support their project plan.

The following community impact projects selected for funding fell under the core pillars of Arts and Culture, PK-16 Education, 卫生保健和保健, 非营利组织和社区的公民参与和能力建设. Those selected include: 

  • 庞蒂亚克艺术委员会的庞蒂亚克艺术爬行活动 
  • 庞蒂亚克创意艺术中心的庞蒂亚克骄傲活动 
  • 由庞蒂亚克艺术委员会领导的灵魂美食音乐表演 
  • 青少年标准辅导计划:过去、现在、未来 
  • 为WHRC学校创作大型学生艺术壁画项目 
  • Pontiac LEAD leadership development day for Pontiac High School students 
  • 创建OUWB基于证据的辅导项目网络研讨会 
  • Development of a Culinary Medicine elective course for elementary students at the Pontiac Youth Recreation Center 
  • 课堂连接健康教育和指导计划 
  • 促进和维持健康社区经验计划 
  • Development of Community Conversations/Speaker Series on public concerns and community engagement 
  • OUWB’s Passport to Medicine interactive classroom sessions with middle school students 
  • Hosting two Grant Writing workshops for small nonprofits serving the Pontiac Community 
  • 庞蒂亚克中学英语和数学辅导项目

The 庞蒂亚克青年娱乐和充实中心 provides comprehensive, high quality programs and activities to serve the needs of area youth in its 57,000平方英尺的设施位于825 Golf Drive, Pontiac, Michigan 48341. Community partners provide planned positive program carefully crafted to help young people develop the knowledge and skills to successfully transition into adulthood. 通过开放大学-庞蒂亚克倡议社区影响赞助奖, 一门新的烹饪医学选修课程, 由开放大学的教授和学生领导,将在中心实施. 这门课程的重点是健康的饮食习惯, good nutrition and improved overall well being for youth and their families. 


  • Arts and music programs designed to foster creativity and provide outlets of self-expression. 
  • 体育联盟帮助年轻人变得有责任感, more physically fit, 减轻压力,积极利用闲暇时间.
  • STEM丰富活动,帮助青少年成为批判性思考者, problem solvers and gain self- confidence to do their best academically in science, technology, 工程和数学课程. 
  • Summer camps are an added bonus as youth participate in activities that play a vital role in skill building, 积极的社会规范和提高的学习成绩. 

社区合作伙伴包括:十大菠菜台子, Charity Music, 克兰布鲁克科学研究所, 奥克兰县警长的庞蒂亚克

Project Upward Bound

项目上进(PUB), 由十大菠菜台子主办的大学预备课程, 可以追溯到20世纪60年代. 欧盟-庞蒂亚克倡议的传统分支机构, PUB提供了数百名低收入者, first generation high school students the opportunity to achieve their full potential through exposure to OU campus life, 提高学术水平, 奖学金和文化丰富接触,以确保成功. 每年有133名学生参加这个项目,72%的学生获得了2.平均绩点5分或以上,并参加大专教育.


Oakland University’s Pre-college Programs provide high school students with enrichment opportunities to discover first-hand the skills and knowledge needed in order to prepare for successful entrance into college.

"Many students have put college on their radar but are in need of academic, 社会和财政支持," said Teresa Rodges, 大学预科项目临时主任.  

On March 16, 2019, 25 students from Pontiac High School and International Technology Academy were inducted into OU’s Wade McCree Scholars Program.

十大菠菜台子的Wade H. McCree Jr. scholarship is in recognition of the distinguished life and work of Justice McCree. The four-year academic scholarship is designed to challenge and motivate students to achieve their fullest potential during high school.

Full tuition scholarships are awarded annually to students who have a GPA of 3.0和SAT分数1060或更高.

This program continues to inspire students for post- secondary educational opportunities. Kayla Fike,前庞蒂亚克高中学生,Wade H. 麦克雷十大菠菜台子,公开大学毕业生, received a full scholarship to University of Michigan and is currently completing her Ph.D. Fike was also the first African American to receive the Matilda Wilson award in 2015, an award given to one of three outstanding graduating seniors at Oakland University.


Click here 观看庞蒂亚克承诺区迷你纪录片.

The OU - Pontiac Initiative held its first Pontiac Promise Zone (PPZ) Scholarship  Awareness Dinner in April for college students and Pontiac High School graduates. The PPZ is a scholarship program that enables students living within the Pontiac School District (PSD) an opportunity to obtain financial assistance to attend any college or university in Michigan and earn a two or four-year degree. 自2011年庞蒂亚克承诺区成立以来, more than $900,000美元的学费补助和43美元,000 in book reimbursement have been awarded to Pontiac School District students.

“My initial reaction to the Pontiac Promise Zone was joy as my brothers and sisters attend Oakland University and my tuition has been coming out of pocket. I work two jobs trying to support my family and pay for school so any money that I receive helps lift a bit of the load off my shoulders. Overall, the Pontiac Promise Zone has helped me finish this journey and I applaud the effort to help other students like myself,” said Jefferson Young. Young is a graduate from Pontiac High School and is on track to graduate from Oakland University in 2019 with a degree in Engineering.

Funding for the PPZ Scholarship Program is provided by the State of Michigan through tax revenues. In addition, the program is supported by community partnerships and donations from foundations and others. 

联系Naovarath Skipper, [email protected] for more information.


January 12, 2019, Oakland University Athletics welcomed the Pontiac community and its leaders with “Pontiac  Day” at the OU Golden Grizzlies men’s basketball game. 加入欧盟-庞蒂亚克倡议, OU Athletics offered free tickets to Pontiac students and a discounted ticket rate for Pontiac residents. The Golden Grizzlies welcomed hundreds of Pontiac residents as local singing artists DMK - Damoli Harris, 梅兰妮·费尔顿和考特妮·兰顿将演唱国歌.

Mayor Deirdre Waterman, OU’s Kevin Corcoran and Teresa Rodges took center stage to welcome Pontiac residents and to recognize the partnership of the OU-Pontiac Initiative. 由Sangeya Wiggins领导, OU fraternities and sororities provided dynamic performances during half time. 来自庞蒂亚克的300多名学生出席了会议.