
环境卫生办公室 & Safety

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4452
(248) 370-4196

环境卫生办公室 & Safety

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4452
(248) 370-4196


消防安全办公室, 谁负责操作, inspection and testing and maintenance of campus fire detection, 压制和通知系统. Our staff can provide consultation in matters related to fire code interpretation, construction hot work and construction/renovation-related fire system issues. 除了, we provide oversight and support in the areas of event fire safety, 篝火许可, 楼宇消防安全检查, 灭火器等生命安全培训.

The 环境卫生办公室 and Safety in conjunction with the 十大菠菜台子 Police Department acts as a liaison between local municipal fire departments, the State of Michigan Bureau of Fire Services and the University community.  We facilitate regular interaction with these groups, 讨论消防及生命安全事宜, as well as develop and conduct training programs and emergency response exercises.

十大菠菜台子 is geographically located in both the City of Rochester Hills and the City of Auburn Hills.  根据互助协议的规定, both the Auburn Hills Fire Department and the Rochester Hills Fire Department provide emergency fire, rescue and medical services to 十大菠菜台子.

If you have any questions or concerns about the accessibility of the content or documents on this page, 请浏览我们的 公众无障碍声明.

  • Activate 大楼火灾报警器.
  • Exit 建筑.
  • Notify the OUPD Dispatch by dialing 911 from a campus phone or (248) 370-3331 from a cell phone.
  • Maintain a safe distance of at least 100' from an evacuated building to allow emergency response personnel to enter 建筑 quickly and safely.


灭火器 are bar-coded and tracked through a maintenance/inspection and testing database program and are inspected regularly. There are several types of extinguishing equipment located on campus, 这些包括:A-B-C, A-B, CO2, H2O和k级(厨房). If you notice a missing extinguisher or an extinguisher with a missing tag or pin or showing any sign of damage or discharge, notify EH&立即致电(248)370-4196或通过 e-mail.


Smoke detectors are hard wired and report directly to the Campus Fire Alarm Reporting System (CFAR) at the OUPD Dispatch. Smoke detectors should not be removed, covered, obstructed or tampered with in any way. Report any signs of damaged or defective smoke detectors immediately by contacting EH&电话:(248)370-4196或通过 e-mail.


洒水装置 are heat activated and distribute water to cool and extinguish a fire. The majority of sprinkler heads in use on campus are designed to activate at temperatures of 135-155 F but can be damaged and possibly discharge if they are struck due to horseplay or careless work practices. Do not hang objects from, cover, strike or obstruct a sprinkler head.


  • 营业时间(上午8时至8时.m.-5 p.m.):工作控制中心电话:(248)370-2381
  • 下班后:OUPD调度电话:(248)370-3331


有害物质 theft or tampering (confirmed or suspected) should be reported to the OUPD: 3331 from a campus phone or (248) 370-3331 from cell phones.


In the event of any spill or release of a hazardous material:

  • Evacuate the room/immediate area where the material was released, 在可能的情况下,关闭车门, and solicit the assistance of others to keep unauthorized personnel at least 25 feet from the room/area.
  • Call OUPD: 933 from campus phone or (248) 370-3331.

Be prepared to provide the police dispatcher with the following information if/when it is available without re-entering the immediate area (i.e. 在离释放口25英尺范围内).

  1. Location of the release (be as specific as possible).
  2. Description of any injuries, illnesses or negative health symptoms resulting from the release.
  3. 释放的大致量.
  4. If the release is due to a leak: (1) whether the material continues to “flow”; (2) if so, 以什么“速度”(e.g. dribbling, streaming, gushing); and (3) approximate size of container from which the material is leaking.
  5. 泄漏物质的身份(如果知道).
  6. If the material is known to be flammable or ignitable, whether any open flames or other significant ignition sources exist.
  7. 释放物的物理特性(例如.g., color, odor, liquid/solid/gas), particularly for the release of “unknown” materials.
  8. Whether the release of a liquid has been “contained” (to prevent its spread) and whether it entered a sewer or drain.
    • Reporting personnel should remain on the scene to answer any further questions by OUPD.


At the first indication of a fire, make sure fire alarms are activated and evacuate the area. Any further access to the area should be restricted.

  • Call OUPD: 911 from campus phones or (248) 370-3331 from cell phones.
  • 在OUPD授权之前不要再进入该区域.
  • 有害物质 - from the OUPD Emergency Management Guide (Tab 7 - Orange)
  • Fire Extinguisher Training classes are offered regularly during the non-winter months or can be arranged by special request for groups of 10 or more. 了解更多信息 联系消防安全办公室.
  • 消防设备
  • The 2008年高等教育机会法案 requires colleges and universities that maintain on-campus student housing facilities:
    • Maintain a log of all reported fires that occur in those on-campus student housing facilities
      • The fire log is available for inspection at the EHS Office, 要求, 正常营业时间内. 请致电248-370-4196或发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 了解更多信息.
      • 警方活动记录 (including all fire log activity) is available on-line 24-hours/day - 7 days/week.
    • Publish an 年度消防安全报告
      • 2019年消防安全报告- (p. 2019年保安及消防安全报告第41-51条):
      • 2020年消防安全报告- (p. 《十大菠菜软件》第41-51条):
    • Submit fire statistics annually to the 教育部